Welcome CSV Members and those interested in virology!
We are excited to present the Canadian Society for Virology (CSV) – a non-profit society dedicated to fostering and supporting virologists across Canada. We are a growing group (+200) of collegial Canadian Virologists and Virology Trainees who are passionate about making cutting-edge discoveries and providing educational opportunities in the molecular and pathogenic disciplines of virology. By providing support for our virologists, we hope that the groundbreaking science being made by Canadians and researchers in Canada can have an even bigger impact in the national and international research communities. Our support is offered through our many member benefits.
Today we launch our new CSV website! Our website will serve as a communication platform bringing the society’s news to our members… And boy do we have a lot of news for you! Last year we elected our first full executive council. Together, the council members have been working hard developing the society’s structure and more importantly creating opportunities for you. Our notable achievements include establishing these exciting opportunities: biennial symposia, research and mentorship awards, lab exchange programs, scientific outreach activities, and journal partnerships.
Today we are also happy to announce our first research support initiative, the CSV Lab Exchange Program to foster collaborations between labs. This program aims to support CSV trainee members (MSc, PhD and PDFs) by offsetting the travel costs associated with research collaborations and technique-driven training between CSV members. Visit the website for details and application form.
Let’s get together! As we move into 2020, we are busy preparing for our next national meeting. So, mark your calendars – we are thrilled to bring the third CSV symposium, CSV 2020, to Guelph University (June 3-5).
Watch here for upcoming posts! We will be making formal announcements regarding some of our member benefits and society’s activities including the CSV2020 and our CSV Awards soon. These posts will detail the important dates as well as descriptions and eligibility of our awards and programs.
Interested in CSV – Our Current Benefits for CSV Members include the following:
- Financial assistance for technical training (lab exchange program)
- CSV symposia Travel Awards
- Discounts on Symposium Fees
- Reduced fees on select CSV partnered journals including Viruses and Journal of General Virology
- And importantly, membership with CSV affords associates increased communication and networking with other like-minded virologists in Canada!
We look forward to further developing our society to help serve the Canadian Virology community better. Do you have questions? Want to keep in touch? Follow us @CanSocVirol on Twitter or send us an email at cansocvirol@gmail.com
We are the Canadian Society for Virology and we are pleased to meet you. We hope you consider joining us!
The CSV board of directors